Atelier Frida About Me

Atelier Frida

About me

My journey into the study of interior design came hot on the heels of the arrival of Villa Frida into my life.  As a child, I shared a huge dolls house with my sister that had been made for us by a local joiner to look like our childhood home. I was absolutely passionate about this dolls house, constantly changing the layout and imagining how life within could be lived and this passion carried straight on into the homes I have lived in during my life. The atmosphere and feel of a space has always been of paramount importance to me.

Fast forward many years and I was looking through the back pages of an interiors magazine when one of the advertisements held my eye. This led to me becoming one of the very first students to enrol on a 3 year mainly online diploma based in London - a huge challenge, stretching my skills to the limit and lasting 4 years but it was an absolute game changer.  However, as I soon realised, this was just the start of the journey into interiors, there was still much to learn.

Atelier Frida moodboard coastal house.jpg

I have since added another qualification as a colour consultant.   Colour is not just about choosing a paint shade, although this is one of the most frequent starting points, and paint is one of the most affordable ways to transform your home.  The colour you choose can look so different depending on the light, size and aspect of the space and getting the base note of a given colour right takes time and experience. The colours you live with are the background canvas and a great starting point for any home and how you feel within that home.  There are many factors that contribute to a successful colour scheme, one of the most important of which is that no room in any living space is an island, and taking this into account produces a scheme that flows visually and harmoniously.

Atelier Frida bathroom image

A face to face consultation in a client’s home is the best starting point to ascertain their requirements, whether this be for a colour scheme, a design refresh or more extensive interior re-style.  The design concept is presented in the form of mood boards, paint plans, product sourcing details and layout ideas. 

Atelier Frida Victorian Cottage moodboard

My experience of working with the interior of Villa Frida for many years has given me a more detailed knowledge of the different light in a Mediterranean climate.  Colour behaves differently in the southern light, it is more luminous, (the reason why so many painters are drawn there) and it is important to understand this as choices made in the UK that work in the northern light we have, do not work in the same way there.  I can therefore also help you with your interior in a southern climate using that experience.


My preference is always for working with natural materials where possible, maximising the natural light available and making the best possible use of what a client already has, in other words ensuring that I take the client’s preferences and tastes, any existing pieces of furniture and artwork, the location and type of building into account.

I look forward to working with you!

Atelier Frida styling shot
Atelier Frida use of natural materials

Interior design services

Bespoke colour palettes: prices start at £195

One off visit: prices start at £150

Colour and design by the hour: £35/hr

Product sourcing: £35/hr

Mood boards: prices start at £195

Design refresh: prices start at £250

Interior styling: £35/hr